Executive Producer, Director and Writer, Justin Bowler actually believes that this is a good film. On a completely unrelated note, he is a complete and total idiot.
Executive Producer and Writer, David Herbelin only worked on this film as a favor to Justin. He currently denies any involvement.
Producer, Writer, and Cinematographer Paul Preston was forced to work on this film because Justin Bowler kidnapped his dog.
Producer, Writer, and Lead Actor Ryan Paregien has provided absolutely no information.
Lead Actress, Danielle Baker was paid an absurd amount of money to be in the film.
Mike DiGirolamo has a black and white headshot.
Michelle Jeanette Anderson e una ballerina italiana che non parla inglese. Fino ad offi, lei non puo sapere che era in realta nel film.
Actor Gino England only agreed to do this film because he had the same character
name as John Wayne in
The Shootist.